Surveys That Pay Cash Instantly Online

Surveys That Pay Cash Instantly Online

 Are you searching for an easy way to earn money as your pat time job or to make use of your spare time? Therefore, consider getting paid to take surveys for money. Survey sites are a quick and easy way to make money during downtime in your life. All you need to get started is a solid internet connection, a computer or any smart device and your opinion as well.

Survey sites have even evolved and let you complete the surveys from your cell phone which makes it even more easier to earn money. Taking surveys is a great side hustle alternative that doesn’t take special skills. It’s not just surveys though. You might get the chance to also watch videos, test products, shop online, play games, and many others.

However, you can be paid in cash, but in most cases, you’ll receive a gift card in exchange for completing the tasks. Sites have a certain threshold you’ll have to meet before they allow you to cash redeem your points. What do you think about taking surveys for money or surveys that pay cash instantly online? 

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That says, in the below article we our going to base our focus on the surveys that pay cash instantly online or rather surveys for money.

What are Paid Surveys?

A paid survey is used to collect quantitative information about the participants' personal and economic habits set against their particular demographic.

Legitimate surveys are usually unpaid (as with a Gallup poll) or incentivized. Surveys where the respondent must pay or purchase products to join a panel are generally scams, as are sites that disappear before paying the participants. Legitimate surveys do not need credit card information from respondents.

Surveys for Money: Best 10 Ways To Get Paid Online/ Surveys That Pay Cash Instantly Online

Check Out the list below:

  1. Survey Junkie 
  2. GrabPoints
  3. Toluna 
  4. iRazoo
  5. Swagbucks
  6. Pinecone Research 
  7. InboxDollars
  8. Mindspay 
  9. Vindale Research 
  10. VIP Voice 

Survey Junkie 

Survey Junkie has been on roll since the year 2005 making it one of the oldest survey sites around that pay you to take surveys for money. Share your honest opinion with Survey Junkie and influence the products and services of companies around the world or globally. Members have to be 13 years or older and live in Canada, the United States, and Australia. 


Advertisers pay sites like GrabPoints for engagement.  Earn points by completing online tasks like watching videos, downloading apps, completing offers, and of course, taking surveys for money. Start collecting points for each task. Reach 3,000 points and you’ll be able to get a $3 Amazon gift card. Some of the top members of GrabPoints earn 10,000-20,000 points per day. 


Toluna connects you to people who can actually make a change that you are asking for. The survey panel has partnered with big brands in the past like Amazon, CBS, Sony Music, and Coca-Cola. How many points you are awarded depends on the length of the survey and ranges between 15 and 50,0000.

oluna has personal surveys that help determine which company surveys you are eligible for. Each personal survey completed is worth 100 points.


iRazoo give you points for just surfing the internet. This is perfect for those stay at home parents who need something to do with their free time. iRazoo gift cards are sent electronically and can be used online or in-store at participating stores. When you earn 3,000 iRazoo points you can exchange them for your first reward. 


Swagbucks has all the small tasks including searching, surveys, videos, games. Their point system is counted in Swagbucks which is a bit different than other sites. They do get you the same reward and that’s a choice between many different gift cards from popular brands and stores. 

For each person, you refer to Swagbucks you both get 300 Swagbucks and you will actually get 10% of their lifetime earnings for the duration of their account.

Pinecone Research 

Pinecone Research lets you earn points for each and every survey you complete. Points can be redeemed for either cash or other prizes. Brands take some of these opinions seriously and you can actually influence which products make it in the stores. You’ll be ahead of everyone else and might get to learn about products before they are out on the market.


InboxDollars is another great alternative when taking surveys for money. Receive a $5 bonus from InboxDollars just for signing up. The InboxDollars online surveys are worth between $0.50-$5.00 each. They take anywhere from 3-25 minutes to finish.

If you are a great match for the survey then you can make $10-$20 per survey. Sometimes brands are looking for a certain demographic and will pay a little more to collect that data. Since 2000 InboxDollars has paid over $56 million to its members. 


Share your opinion through surveys for money with Mindspay. Mindspay sends cash to its members through PayPal. Give feedback on companies like Disney, Walmart, Gerber, and Credit Karma. Earn up to $50 per offer you complete. Currently, only US residents are allowed to register with Mindspay. 

Check Out:

Vindale Research 

Vindale Research is great because if you ever have issues with your account you do have access to a full-service support team. Sign up with Vindale and earn $1 to get you started.

Vindale is one of those sites that does allow surveys to be done on a mobile app. Vindale Research adds hundreds of paid surveys daily so be on the lookout for new ways to earn. You can earn up to $50 per survey. 

VIP Voice 

VIP Voice feels every voice matters and allows opinions to be heard about services and products.  In exchange for feedback VIP Voice awards members with gift cards, electronics, and in some cases even vacations. You get a shot at rewards by collecting VIP points. They have plenty of work each year.

VIP Voice conducts around 12 million surveys annually. Stay active with VIP Voice to keep your points. Anyone who hasn’t completed a survey in a six-month time frame will forfeit all their points and have their account closed. 

Check out some of the related articles on how to earn money:

Conclusion On Surveys That Pay Cash Instantly Online

There are many other alternatives for taking surveys for money, but these are some of the best and amazing ones. Have you considered using surveys to earn cash? The alternatives are now left for you to make your choice and earn more and more.

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