1. Alluminiun is prepared indudtrially from purified bauxite by electrolytic reduction a) i. Write the formular of the oxide ii) Write the cathode half reaction for the process b)i. Can chemical reduction be taused to extract Al from its ore? ii) Explain c) i. Why are Al extractions plants usually located near power stations? d) Give one large scale use of Al and relate this use to its property. use: , property: e)i. State one metal that can be extracted by chemical reduction. ii) Name an ore from which this metal isextracted. iii) Write in equation for the extraction process.
  2. The question concerns the laboratory preparation of ammonia. (NH3) by reacting a mixture of ammonium chloride and calcium hydrooxide. a)i. Why is it advisable to grind the mixture of ammonium chroride and calcium hydrooxide? ii) state the reaction condition. b) Write an equation for the reaction. c) State the drying agent used. d) Ammonium gas is used as reducing agents for copperii(II) oxide. i) Write the equation to show the reduction of NH3. ii) State one observation when copper(II) oxide is reduced. c) Give the large scale use of;  i) Nitrogen, ii) Ammonia.

Section B:

Answer  two questions . All question carry equal marks. 
  1. Bonding in substances can either be toxic, or metalic. a) Define chemical bond. b) Using appropriate diagrams, describe how each bond type ocurrs in a named substance. c) Give one property of each subtance, show how this property is related to the bond type.
  2. Write short notes on the following. a) Polymorphism b)Sapisificatiob c) Isosopy e) Hydrolysis

Secion C:

In order to determine the concentraation of a dilute suphate acid solution, a student is provided with the following solutions and equipments: 0.25m Na OH, dilute HCL, L'ipette, Burette, Conical flask, phenolphehalien indicator, Clamp and Stand. a) Draw the experimental set up you would use b) 25cm cube of 0.25M Na OH was transfered in to a conical flask and 3 drops of phenolphehalien indicator was added. i) Sketch and name the apparatus used to transfer the Na OH solution. ii) Identify the liquid that is used to rinse the conical flask.

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