"Ecosystem are systems in a dynamic equilibrium" Discuss the validity of this statement with reference to specific examples.- i Distinguish between man made and natural ecosystem ii. Examine the cycline of nutrients in the agricultural ecosystem that replaced any named tropical ecosystem. June 2016
- Consider the factors that determine the productivity of ecosystems with reference to examples.
- To what extent does climate inluence ecosystem productivity. Distinguish between primary and secondary plants successions ii) explain how and why the succession process is hardly smooth from the pioneer to the climax stage.
- Explain the concept of climax vegetation. ii) How far do tropical grasslands reflect the climax vegetation.
- What is a padogenic regime? ii) differetiate between ferrallitisation and calcification as major processes of soil formation. June 2014
- What is a soil profile ? ii) With references to a named major soil type explain the formation of its profile. June 2008
- Explain the meaning of soil fertility ii) Examine the factors that affect soil fertility.
- For a named ecosystem, examine the interrelationship between its Biomass, soil and litter compartments. June 2012
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