GCE A - LEVEL GEOGRAPHY ( Contemporary environmental issues and Current developmental issues)

GCE A - LEVEL GEOGRAPHY ( Contemporary environmental issues and current developmental issues


  1. "Man is essentially a destructive factor of soils". examine the validity of this statement. June 2011
  2.  a) What are the effects of present climate change? b) Examine the efforts which have been made to curb the negative effects. June 2015
  3. a) What are the effects of recent climate change? b) Examine the efforts which have been made to curb the negative effects. June 2015
  4. a)What do you understand by global warming? b) Examine the possible effects of global warming on the physical environment and humans. June 2011
  5. a) Explain what is meant by global warming and outline at least three major causes of the phenomenon. b) Examine the effects of this phenomenon on the environment. June 2013
  6. To what extent are demographic characteristics adequate measures of the level of economic development?
  7. "Economic growth is a necessity but insufficient condition for economic development". Discuss
  8. a) What do you understand by the Millinium Development Goals? b) Asses the level of attainment of any three of these goals. June 2017
  9. a) What are the factors that are encouraging globalization? b) Examine the impacts of globalization.
  10. Which factors are likely to influence the growth in the manufacturing sector of Newly Industrializing countries ( NICs)?

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