3 minute read
- Critically examine the viex that in the 1930s the league of nations shattered the hopes and aspiration it had raised in the 1920s (June 2009).
- What circumstances led to the formation of the league of nations in 1919 and what extent did the organizaion achieve its objectives by 1939? (June 2010).
- Account for the failure of collective security in the 1930s.(June 2011)
- How and with what degree of success did the league of nations attempt to maintain peace in the 1920s? (June 2012)
- Account for the inability of the league of nations to function effectively as an instrument of collective security in the 1930s (June 2013)
- How was the collective security persued in the 1920s and why it failed in the 1930s? ( June 2014)
- Evaluate the socio-economic achievements of the league o nations. ( June 2015)
- "Despite the efforts carried out in the 1920s towards the achievements of collective security, the idea collapsed in the 1930s. Discuss (NWRM 2015)
- Analyze the political achievements of the league of nations in the 1920s and account for its success during this period ( June 2016)
- The blame for the collapse of collective securityin the 1930s should be attributed only to the structural weaknesses of the league of nations and the activities of the aggressors. Discuss (SWRM 2016)
- Evaluate the contribution of the Anglo-FRench Appeacement in the 1920s and the 1930s to the collapsed of collective security. ( June 2017)
- Examine both the intances and justifications for the success of the league of nations in the 1920s (SwRM 2017)
- "The inability of the league of nations to check on aggressions was a major cause of the global war of 1939-1945". Examine this view (June 2018)
- "The decisive interventions of the league of nations were limited only to a minor disputes in the 1920s". Do you agree? ( June 2019)
- Which bear greater responsibilities for the failure of the collective security in the 1930s : the weaknesses of the league of nations or the rise of aggressors? (NWRM 2019)
- To what extent was collective security successfulbetween 1920 and 1939?
- Why was it possible for the league of nations to maintain collective security in the 1920s?
- The American war of independence could have been avoided. Discuss (June 2009)
- To what extent were the British eceonomic policies in North America between 1763 and 1776 responsible for the American Revolution? (June 2010)
- Assess the viex the " no taxation without representation" was a pretext rather than the cause of the American war of independence. (June 2011)
- Why were the 13 north American colonies victorious in the war of American independence from Britain?( June 2012)
- Examine the extent to which the seven years war provocked the American Revolution. (June 2013)
- Asses the repercussions of the American war of independence of 1776-1783. (SWRM 2016)
- Examine the extent to which the US policy of Isolationism was responsible for the outbreak of the second world war. (NWRM 2019)
- How far was the outbreak of world war 2 a product of Hitler's aggression? (June 2017)
- Of what significance was the second world war in World History? ( NWRM 2015)
- Do you agree with the view that the short comings oof the treaty of versailles and Chamberlain's policy of appeacement contributed to the outbreak of WW II in 1939? ( June 2010)
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